As is the current norm, remakes of previously popular films and series comprise at least part of May’s script sales, including a screenplay based on the comic strip “Bazooka Joe.” An animated film, “Nick Ratchet,” based on an idea by Stan Lee and the latest Disney project in development, revolves around a police officer’s online alter-ego, Nick Ratchet, who tries to usurp the life of his creator. “Looking for Norma Desmond,” presumably based on “Sunset Boulevard,” is also in the works, as is an adaptation of “Jekyll and Hyde” and the life of Frank Sinatra.
Other selected sales include:
–Remake of the 1980s classic (well, moderately classic) “Flight of the Navigator,” about a 12-year-old boy who discovers a spaceship that takes him to the future.
–A comedy script based on The Blue Man Group.
–“Buffy the Vampire Slayer”: a remake of the fan-favorite series.
–A project from Dreamworks detailing the life of Martin Luther King Jr. Steven Spielberg will produce.
And last, but certainly not least, former Script Pimp Competition winner Evan Daugherty will pen a new draft of the He-Man story entitled “Grayskull” for Warner Bros.