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Exclusive Interviews

Exclusive Script Pipeline interviews with writers and industry. From 2002-2022. More interviews can be found on Pipeline Artists.

Sean McKittrick

By Exclusive Interviews
- Sean McKittrick, producer of Donnie Darko, The Box, and Bad Words What did you do after UCLA? SM: I worked for a temp agency called Apple One. They specifically place you in entertainment related jobs. I became a full time temp at New Line Cinema and floated from desk to desk when assistants were out sick, taking vacations, etc. That actually led to my first job. When a position opened up, they were familiar with me and I hit it off with one of the executives. I ended up staying there for two years as her assistant. When did you intern for Lucas Foster? SM: I worked for Lucas when I was a Junior and Senior in College. How did it go? SM: The internship was an eye opener, you know, you're in college, you don't know anything. You're working for free, doing the most menial tasks, making copies. You learn the…
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Jonathon Rosenbloom / Justin Merz

By Exclusive Interviews
- Justin Merz and Jon Rosenbloom (writers of Topsiders, sold to DreamWorks) Did either of you attend film school? JR: No. In college I think I took one film class. That was it. JM: No. I have my degree in education. I was planning on trying to go to film school and had applied a few places but I ended up having a kidney transplant so I was not going anywhere. I ended up taking courses locally, finished my degree in education. When did you first pursue interest in writing? JM: When I was six years old and I saw Star Wars. I was making movies in the backyard. I Got really serious writing scripts in the early nineties. What was the first medium you wrote in? Did you start writing stories? JM: I wrote a few stories, but I think I was really trying to write scripts when I was…
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