Winner of the 2021 First Look Project (Drama), Andy’s script Bellyache struck a nerve with its utterly flawless depiction of a dysfunctional mother/daughter dynamic, in the vein of Lady Bird and other dramedies resonating on a truly universal level. First and foremost: is Bellyache coming from a personal pace, in terms of the concept and its characters? Why choose this foundation, and really the framework itself, for a story about the fractured relationship between a parent and her child? Yeah, it's pretty personal, but in a few different ways. The plot is about an alcoholic lunch lady who is fired from her job at a low-income elementary school when she's caught giving a less-fortunate child free meals. My mom (not an alcoholic) was a cafeteria worker at a low-income school in Missouri where she was put in this situation by a school policy that states when a child's lunch account goes negative…
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