Grand Prize Winners
Fuel by James Roman & Chris Donaldson
Living in Limbo by Mike Amato
Monstrous Passions by Deborah Baxtrom
The Rise of Fred Amazing by Scott Cunningham
Bad Rap by Mark Grisar
Birdman McGee: World’s Greatest Demolition Derby Driver by Todd Shapiro
Broken Hearts Revenge Club by Ian Schnee
Canaries by Craig Cambria
Deadbeat Boyfriends by Marc Conklin
Doll by Edward Windus
Fuel by James Roman & Chris Donaldson
Ghost Music by Knut Arne Vedaa
Living In Limbo by Mike Amato
Monstrous Passions by Deborah Baxtrom
One Armed Bandit by Bruce Dundore
Second Skin by Kim Alan Pederson
Spyder by Willie Price
The Banner by Tina Juarez
The Best Man by Jack Davidson
The California Hotel Murders by Rusty Rhodes
The Great Quest by Steve Weissman
The Melon Man by Mike Palmisciano
The Rise of Fred Amazing by Scott Cunningham
Whisper by Cory Marciel